Launch Checklist (1)

Set launch date

Doublecheck for holidays (no-go) and avoid posting Monday/Friday, preferably Sunday or Thursday for the best results

Create product video

YouTube video with a voiceover describing

Create product description

Include at least x3 testimonials, FAQ and more

Send out a newsletter

With launch date

Add product to Indiehackers or any relevant startup/founder communities

Get feedback

Announce “launch date” on the social media

Instagram + Twitter + Facebook + LinkedIn + Other SM channels you are receiving traction from

Prepare Copy+Pastes

Prepare copy + paste for communities online to post in.

Prepare Launch Posts

Prepare Instagram + Twitter posts for the launch date

Product hunt upload

Preview at and get everything ready.

Prepare and post BTS post

Prepare a behind the scenes post about the launch.

Repost original launch posts

To remind that its in 3 days

Send a newsletter on the launch
Ask help from top users & advocates

Reach out to the top voices on Twitter/Linkedin/email to ask for feedback, support or promote (hunt your Product Hunt launch)

Post on Facebook groups

Pre-identify all the relevant Facebooks groups to launch your product.

Post on socials

Ask for feedback on the launch and the product

Answer all Product Hunt comments

The Product Hunt algorithm rewards product with a high number of comments (from users with high karma mostly)

Contact Product Hunt team

If you're not featured after an hour (and have decent upvotes)

Thank the community

Post results

Add PH Badge to the product description